Our commitment
In line with our corporate values and principles, we think and act on a long-term basis. For our company sustainability means examining all business decisions from an economic, technological, social and ecological perspective. MAX HAURI AG accordingly assumes an obligation to society in addition to its economic responsibility. We are also involved in various ways with a sustainable impact outside our business activities, as reflected in various initiatives.
Support for popular sports
Play, exercise and direct competitive sports have an important role in the development of the personality of individuals and has an integrating effect. MAX HAURI AG has dedicated itself to supporting the following sport-related projects:
Involvement in regional development and social interaction
Raising the curtain on active involvement in the region of Eastern Switzerland. With a broad commitment in a wide variety of areas, we are involved in regional development and social interaction. We also sponsor the following activities:
For the benefit of society and social institutions
We regard it as our social responsibility to be actively involved in social projects. We care deeply about giving something back and supporting the communities in which we work and live every day.
Top sport as a role model
Top-class sport embodies many attributes which are also highlighted at MAX HAURI AG: Team spirit, courage to try something new and respectful interaction with one another. This has prompted us to also actively support competitive sports. Our partnerships:
Vocational training
To enable young people to gain a foothold in the professional world they must be given the opportunity to undergo qualified basic training. Involvement and commitment in this field also make it easier for young adults to get off to a successful start in their careers and promote their social integration.