modino reduces the risk of transmission in daily life
The modino products have an antibacterial effect. Due to the high-quality materials used, the spread of bacteria and germs is prevented by removing the breeding ground for any pathogens. This significantly reduces the risk of infection to residents, patients, guests and employees. This effect is permanent, it does not degrade and is not reduced by wiping or cleaning.
Whether in the healthcare sector, airports, hotels, restaurants, changing rooms or sanitary areas: In all these places, a number of people meet in a confined space. The special material of modino surfaces provides more safety for guests, customers and visitors.
Tested safety
The modino products are certified by the independent, external institute "Ostthüringische Materialprüfgesellschaft für Textil und Kunststoffe".
The following efficiency has been confirmed: “Very good antibacterial effect”
Value R
R < 0.5
No antibacterial effect
0.5 ≤ R < 2
Slight antibacterial effect
2 ≤ R < Rmax
Good antibacterial effect
R = Rmax
Very good antibacterial effect